Thursday 18 April 2019

What makes you a successful designer

Do you wonder what makes designers such as Ralph Lauren, Sabyasachi and others stand out from others? What is it about them that everyone absolutely adore? Their designing skills? Yes, without a doubt. But, is that it?

Along with sound designing knowledge, there goes a lot more in making an ordinary designer exceptional. If you want to pursue a career in designing, you might want to know the no-so-famous secrets of becoming a successful artist and innovator. We have listed a few qualities that won’t let you go unnoticed. Keep reading to find out.

1. Value impact over form

The design you create is going to have an impact on society; good, bad, big or small. This is why you need to focus on the effect you want to create rather than the aesthetics. Aesthetics are essential; no doubt about that. But, your design should not only be about it. Because the aesthetics would not matter much when your product cannot be used or does not have the desired impact.

2. Welcome criticism

Your design is going to be perceived differently by different people. Some might love it while the others might have no idea what is it supposed to be. This includes your co-workers, clients or even the public. To ensure your design appeals to your audience and creates a positive impact, you need to learn how to welcome criticism. Only when you are open to feedback, you will be able to improve your skills and deliver better results.

3. Know your audience

At the end of the day, you are creating designs for someone. Your design is a solution to someone’s problem. And, only by having a thorough understanding of your audience, you will be able to deliver effective solutions.

4. Never stop learning

Learning should not stop after you have completed a programme from one of the best institutes in Pune, Mumbai, and other cities. Design is a competitive and ever-evolving industry. To ensure you thrive in such an industry, your skills and expertise need to be relevant. And, you can do this by learning something new every day.

Whether you want to study fashion, graphic or even design communication, these are some simple yet useful tips to help you out. Designing is one of the rare professions which allows you to create a positive impact. So, make sure you use these tips and get closer to a brighter future. Start applying for fashion and communication design courses in India and get ready to lead a thriving yet creative career. All the best!

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