Thursday, 5 March 2020

Communication Design – The New Trendy Career Opportunity

Communication design is a growing career opportunity where people reach out to the masses with the help of well-designed and visually engaging content on different mediums, then be it print, electronic or digital. The world is turning digital. And in this highly digitalized world, we are always on our feet, consuming only less time-consuming information. This is where visuals or videos take precedence over read-only material. Just like electronic medium, digital too is a beautiful combination of audio and visual communication impacting lives. This is the reason communication design courses in India are rapidly growing in number at several institutes. There are various elements that add to this trendy profession like typography, animation, graphics, copywriting, etc.

To enhance brand presence, people use visual elements that enables them to attract their targeted audience for brand marketing and other promotional techniques. With this ever-increasing penetration of social media in our lives, it has made this career opportunity an interesting one for people who are interested in creatively expressing themselves using graphics. It can be easily opted as a major in graduation, after school. Some colleges also offer a Master’s degree or PG Diploma in design as well. The colleges that offer programs like communication design, fashion communication, industrial design, etc. primarily focus on developing visualization skills of individuals and help them upgrade themselves in the industry. The first year is dedicated to conventional disciplines like working on soft skills, new media skills, developing visual perception and for the rest of the years, a student can choose the significant subject of their interest.

The employment avenues for communication design are not only limited to digital or electronic, but it is also spread across print medium as well. The graduates in this field can find jobs as print media designers, graphic designers, user interface designers, video film designers, etc. The primary objective of any form of communication is to inform, educate, and entertain. Walking on the same line, the aim of communication design too is to inform, educate, entertain, and also make the audiences engage in it as much as possible to turn leads into sales.

There are many fashion communication colleges in India, communication design colleges that provide specialized design-related courses across the country. Some of the leading design institutes names in which you can apply for a course of your interest are the Indian Institute of Art and Design, Symbiosis Institute of Design, Pearl Academy, National Institute of Design, etc.

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